i wish that i felt better. i wish that my brother would talk to me more often. i wish that my birthday party goes well. i wish that me and my high school boyfriend could be friends again. i wish that the next time i go to trader joe's they have green onions and red cabbage and i wish that the next time i take the metro north the conductor doesn't check my ticket. i wish i had a narrow frame. i wish for world peace. POSSIBILITY, PERFORMANCE, AND STAMPED MEANING I have sat down and for hours tried to write to you again. I've read this over so many times its lost all meaning to me. I've written to other places, and thought to myself some fantastical thoughts, but I can't seem to talk to you, you, exactly, here and now. It has intimidated me. My 21st birthday is coming up, today is a leap day, and soon it will be spring. Soon, I'll be done with my junior year of college. Soon, all the leaves outside my window will be back. Today I hear the birds call and I woke up h...